How do you break a LEGO? Max Effgen, March 2, 2011December 2, 2013 This is a re-post, but I have had another great service experience with LEGO. Thanks! You are awesome. I am still not exactly sure what kind of super-powers my son has. He does posses the strength to break unbreakable LEGO pieces. In my youth, I lost my first tooth by… Continue Reading
Sales is Support, Marketing is Support, Service is Support Max Effgen, February 28, 2011 My friend, Robert Pease, wrote an interesting post arguing that sales equals support. I have been thinking about this idea as well recently. There are some interesting trends that anyone who is customer or prospect facing needs to consider. Social media has made it possible to signal intent on an… Continue Reading
Why gCRM? Max Effgen, February 21, 2011 Because Google is getting serious about the enterprise. I believe it is just a matter of time that they will release a CRM application. How serious is Google’s enterprise? Leading VCs are taking notice: Brad Feld: My Increasing Love Affair With Google Apps. CRM is a logical next step, because… Continue Reading
Great Service from Blue Nile Max Effgen, February 17, 2011 Over the last few years, I have been able to successfully shed weight that dogged me for years. I am down 60 pounds from the day I got married. I joke with my wife (who does not read this blog) that she has 25% less husband. Believe me, she does… Continue Reading
gCRM: Google CRM? Max Effgen, February 12, 2011 Will Google enter the enterprise applications market? Are they there already with gMail and Google Docs? Clearly, the company is targeting the enterprise. They are running print ads in Forbes saying as such. For many small to mid-size businesses, the first business process to be put into place is CRM…. Continue Reading
Customer Love Max Effgen, October 25, 2010December 2, 2013 Nice read over at Customer Think about showing the love. Great to know that I am not the only one who thinks this way (related post). Well done Ms. Hunsaker. Check it out. Customer Think: Fall in Love with Your Customers for Best Customer Experience Happy Monday. Continue Reading
How do you break a LEGO? Max Effgen, August 16, 2010December 2, 2013 I am still not exactly sure what kind of super-powers my son has. He does posses the strength to break unbreakable LEGO pieces. In my youth, I lost my first tooth by prying apart LEGO bricks with my teeth. It soon became a ritual. Every loose tooth led to LEGO… Continue Reading
Quote Generation Max Effgen, May 5, 2010 The 4 P’s (Product, Price, Place and Promotion) are the standard Marketing Mix. This is not just “marketing fluff” the P’s are where the rubber meets the road in CRM, namely quote generation. The 5th P (Problems) still exist with quote generation today. Product and pricing data are integrated with… Continue Reading
Simple Truths: KYC Max Effgen, April 7, 2010 When you know your customer (KYC), good things happen. – Example, Client A increased user adoption to 70% of total call volume. ROI increase 25% in one quarter. When you know your customer, you can spot trouble a mile away. – Example, Client B re-organized and has a new executive… Continue Reading
Gist as a small business CRM tool Max Effgen, February 23, 2010December 2, 2013 I have blogged a bunch on Gist over the last year. The Seattle startup has some nice traction going for it. It seemed pretty clear to me from the beginning that Gist would be a great CRM and/or Sales Enablement tool for the small to mid-size market. Check this nice… Continue Reading