Tablet Talk Max Effgen, January 20, 2010 With all the talk of an Apple tablet, it is worth taking the time to understand that this is far from a new idea. Jerry Kaplan’s Startup is not only a great read on the Silicon Valley start up life but on the origins and game of tablet computing. Notable… Continue Reading
You should check: Phone Sales Strategies for new Startups Max Effgen, October 13, 2009 I did miss the meeting, but not the slides. Worthwhile slides, video and post by Bryan Starbuck: Phone Sales Strategies for new Startups Continue Reading
Solid read on Bootstrapping Max Effgen, June 23, 2009 Check TechFlash Guest post: Bootstrapping and the infinite runway by Hillel Cooperman. Solid read. Since the “at bats” phase is used, I like to think of Babe Ruth. He led the American League in strikeouts 5 times in 1918, 1923, 1924, 1927 and 1928. In 1927 hit 60 home runs,… Continue Reading
Cloudy in Seattle Max Effgen, June 10, 2009 Very interesting presentations on cloud computing at Seattle Tech Startups tonight. Jeff Lawson of Twilio gave an en depth presentation on how his company is levering AWS, Rackspace and other providers to bring telephony into the cloud. I was very impressed with their architecture. Honestly, it is better and more… Continue Reading
Paul Graham Startup Guru Max Effgen, June 10, 2009 Being in the bootstrap startup space is a challenge. I have found Y Combinator’s concept very interesting. Check a worthwhile read @ Inc.: The Start-up Guru: Y Combinator’s Paul Graham. Continue Reading