Questions to ask: Social CRM Max Effgen, October 30, 2011 Amazingly my $0.02 on questions you need to answer in mapping out your Social CRM strategy still ring true: Where are your customers? Where do they go when they have issues with your products and services? Is that channel cost effective for you? How open is that conversation? How are… Continue Reading
The Social CRM Max Effgen, March 24, 2011 Social CRM is gaining momentum to be the next big buzz word. Some great posts on the subject have been making the rounds, but none more than “Why CRM ain’t CRM if it isn’t Social” by Dr. Harish Kotadia. His points are clear and intiutively understood by most CRM practitioners…. Continue Reading
Sales is Support, Marketing is Support, Service is Support Max Effgen, February 28, 2011 My friend, Robert Pease, wrote an interesting post arguing that sales equals support. I have been thinking about this idea as well recently. There are some interesting trends that anyone who is customer or prospect facing needs to consider. Social media has made it possible to signal intent on an… Continue Reading
Is it time for Marketing to get out of its own way? Max Effgen, April 21, 2010 Worthwhile read at Mitchel Joel’s blog. Check it out. Six Pixels of Separation: People Should Not See Marketing Continue Reading
Let’s Move Away From Social Media and Get Down… Max Effgen, November 13, 2009 Solid read. Worth taking the time. Read Write Web: Let’s Move Away From Social Media and Get Down to Business Continue Reading
Solid read: Social Media is from Mars… Max Effgen, September 14, 2009 Check out this solid read on social media and the enterprise Gia Lyons’ Connected blog. Interesting stuff. Social Media is from Mars, Enterprise 2.0 is from Venus Happy Monday. Continue Reading
Social Media University Reading List Max Effgen, August 18, 2009 Social Media University Reading List: Solid reading @ 800ceoread. Worth checking out these titles. The post also mentions Six Pixels of Separation. I have been a fan of that blog for some time. Check it out. Happy Tuesday. Continue Reading
The C.R.M Iceberg and Social Software Max Effgen, August 12, 2009 Check out The C.R.M Iceberg and Social Software post. Very solid read on the sCRM space by Ross Mayfield at the Socialtext Blog. He makes some interesting points such as people as a platform. In my experience, organizations that have great customer relationships have always fostered information sharing within. Call… Continue Reading