Pipeline and Forecasting Max Effgen, July 18, 2012 In my experience, pipeline/forecast is one area of a CRM system that changes frequently. Way to frequently. Fortunately, these changes require less coding changes today through Windows Workflow Foundation (Dynamics CRM) and Workflow Automation (Salesforce) that in CRM days of old. Not going to comment on whether it is right… Continue Reading
Social CRM Strategy Max Effgen, July 9, 2012 Social CRM came up in a recent conversation. Microsoft’s acquisition of Yammer and Salesforce’s multiple buys in this area has validated a market that was a huge question mark 3 years ago. Like any business process application I recommend that following: Keep it simple. Know your customers. Show them the… Continue Reading
CRM Integration Max Effgen, June 11, 2012 One of the biggest challenges that CRM systems have is integration with back end systems. In the cloud with hosted CRM, this in some ways is actually a bigger challenge than it was in the past. From CRM to ERP Pipeline and Forecast data are the most common and most… Continue Reading
The 4P’s and pricing data Max Effgen, April 8, 2012 The 4 P’s (Product, Price, Place and Promotion) are the standard Marketing Mix. This is not just MBA “marketing fluff”, the P’s are where the rubber meets the road in CRM, namely quote generation. There is a bigger but untalked about 5th P (Problems) that haunts pricing and quotes. Product… Continue Reading
The inevitable gCRM Max Effgen, November 18, 2011 Will Google enter the enterprise applications market? It is a matter of time. The recent GM announcement signal that the company is almost there. For many enterprises, the first business process to be put into place is CRM. Google will enter the enterprise application space in CRM to better leverage… Continue Reading
Lessons in salesmanship Max Effgen, November 14, 2011 Had a great lesson in asking for the business from an unexpected source last week — my landscaper. Now I do not have a regular service, but did have some work done last summer. Living in the Pacific Northwest, I have come to learn that lawn aeration is not optional…. Continue Reading
Questions to ask: Social CRM Max Effgen, October 30, 2011 Amazingly my $0.02 on questions you need to answer in mapping out your Social CRM strategy still ring true: Where are your customers? Where do they go when they have issues with your products and services? Is that channel cost effective for you? How open is that conversation? How are… Continue Reading
Why Focus Intent? Max Effgen, October 3, 2011 I have been revisiting the idea of customer intent and its implications. Social media has exploded given customers and prospects the ability to express intent. Buyers signal. Customers signal. Competitors signal. These signals are important data points for the Sales, Marketing and Service — the 3 big users of CRM… Continue Reading
Questions Max Effgen, July 31, 2011 Consultants are trained to ask questions. Some good, most are bad and total waste of time and energy. This has the effect of making clients feel like you are wasting their time. I like to keep it direct and too the point. Inital client engagements are a success if I… Continue Reading
The Sales Learning Curve Max Effgen, April 3, 2011 There is an old adage that is all too often followed, “Want more sales? Hire salespeople.” Sales and who you hire to represent your company is critical. The success or failure of CRM, revenue generation and the company in general are dependent on how the organization learns from prospects and… Continue Reading