Google Apps and Windows Live Max Effgen, November 27, 2011 While digging through some older posts, I came across the “Google Apps Sync for Microsoft Outlook” release announcement from 18 months ago. Google recently released version 2.5 of the product just over 1 week ago. An open question was how Microsoft would respond. Windows Live was the response. The functionality… Continue Reading
Your app is worth more than 99¢ Max Effgen, August 19, 2009 Microsoft to mobile developers: Your app is worth more than 99¢ The business model of 99 cent applications is not good for application developers. There are many other issues with the iPhone development. It is refreshing to see another vendor take it on. Competition is good. Check the above link… Continue Reading
Solid read on porting your iPhone App to Windows Mobile Max Effgen, August 1, 2009 With all the furor of the Google Voice iPhone app situation going on. I have had a few conversations about people wanting to port iPhone apps to other platforms mainly, Android and Windows Mobile. Going cross-carrier and platform seems to be the goal. Easier said than done especially depending on… Continue Reading
WSJ: Techdom’s Two Cold Wars Max Effgen, July 21, 2009 Great read by Holman Jenkins, Jr. in the WSJ Opinion Page discussing the recent Google OS and Office Live announcements. Check Techdom’s Two Cold Wars at the WSJ. Continue Reading
Azure Pricing Max Effgen, July 14, 2009December 2, 2013 A follow up from last month’s post: Cloudy in Seattle. Azure has released their business model, pricing and official release date. Mid-November is still the official word for the commercial release. Check: Azure Services Overview Pricing & Licensing Overview Official Press Release: Microsoft Unveils Windows Azure Platform Business Model, Bringing… Continue Reading
Cloud Office on Monday? Max Effgen, July 9, 2009 via TechCrunch: Why Chrome OS Now? Because Microsoft Office In The Cloud Comes Monday. I have played around with the limited functionality of Office Live. It is good, not great, and about what I would expect from a beta. I had some formatting issues with some documents. Nothing major. Hopefully… Continue Reading
TwInbox: Twitter in Outlook Max Effgen, June 24, 2009 Last week @ Cloudforce Seattle, demonstrated some impressive Twitter integration into their Service application. From a CRM perspective, you want to know what your customers are saying whether in sales or service. For Sales, it helps get you to personal faster. For service, it helps you show the love…. Continue Reading
Outlook is broken Max Effgen, June 24, 2009 The Email Standards Project has started a proverbial avalanche for Microsoft via Twitter. Check TechCrunch: Microsoft, Outlook Is Broken, Says 6,000 Tweets (And Growing). Fix It. Also check Microsoft to ignore web standards in Outlook 2010 – enough is enough at Email Standards Project. To get in include the… Continue Reading
Highlights from Cloudforce Seattle Max Effgen, June 22, 2009 Finally getting back to Cloudforce Seattle and the tons of info learned last week. The message was clearly that is not just applications. Cloudforce Seattle was all about the platform moving to the cloud. I have a notion that there will be several “clouds” in the future. Clearly,… Continue Reading