Super power, smaller footprint Max Effgen, February 24, 2015 My startup, SuperCritical Technologies, featured in the Puget Sound Business Journal. PSBJ: Super power, smaller footprint Continue Reading
SuperCritical Press Max Effgen, April 26, 2013September 5, 2014 SuperCritical Technologies receives some memorable press today… “It’s hard when you work down the hall from Dr. Myhrvold and you just hear him laugh. He’s got a very jolly laugh. I don’t think he’s a guy who gets up in the morning and says, ‘Who can I crush today?’” said… Continue Reading
WSJ: Arthur Laffer: Tax Internet Sales, Stimulate Growth Max Effgen, April 20, 2013September 5, 2014 Comment on Dr. Laffer’s recent Wall Street Journal opinion piece on taxing internet sales. Sales taxes are legally due for in-state transactions. The online retailer (e.g., Amazon, etc.) does not have the obligation to collect these taxes due to the Internet Tax Freedom Act (ITFA), enacted in 1998 and extended… Continue Reading
Review of Change Up: An Oral History of 8 Key Events That Shaped Baseball Max Effgen, February 12, 2013September 5, 2014 With Spring Training starting, thoughts turn to the National Pastime. I recently read Change Up. Generally it is excellent. The format of interviews with key people was quite engaging and through the first 6 changes. It was truly engaging. The last 2, Cal Ripken’s Streak and Ichiro Comes to America,… Continue Reading
Too big to fail Max Effgen, November 13, 2012September 5, 2014 Interesting take on bankruptcy in Europe in this current economic climate. Wonder what the bankruptcy figures are here in the USA? Tim Harford: Growth or bust Continue Reading
Breaking in a ball glove Max Effgen, March 15, 2012 I clipped this article from Forbes in 2001 thinking that someday, I would get a new glove or have to break in a glove for my future kids. The future came to be the other day. I tried this one second hot water dunk on my son’s glove in preparation… Continue Reading
Game-Based Marketing Max Effgen, November 18, 2011 I do not consider myself a gamer. Then I realized I am an elite player in American’s AAdvantage program. I have never made a mileage run, but know plenty who have. Games are everywhere. One of the hottest areas of the online engagement economy is gamification, a strategy that meshes… Continue Reading
How to Look Smarter than Your Lawyer and VC Max Effgen, June 1, 2011 Brad Feld and Jason Mendelson’s book Venture Financings: How to Look Smarter than Your Lawyer and VC is now available for pre-order on I am looking forward to it having taking a venture financing class as part of my MBA this year. The more you know about venture financing,… Continue Reading
Richard Tait on “Entrepreneuership is…” Max Effgen, April 22, 2011July 28, 2022 Entrepreneurship is… from Tyler Mayeno on Vimeo. Great video featuring Richard Tait on dreams, passions and entrepreneurship. I have been lucky enough to meet Richard a few times. He is nothing short of inspirational. The video will not tell you that he is a huge soccer fan and a recreational… Continue Reading
The Sales Learning Curve Max Effgen, April 3, 2011 There is an old adage that is all too often followed, “Want more sales? Hire salespeople.” Sales and who you hire to represent your company is critical. The success or failure of CRM, revenue generation and the company in general are dependent on how the organization learns from prospects and… Continue Reading