Be willing to throw it all away Max Effgen, October 24, 2010 Is this a name dropping post? Check out this instructive video of Mike Maples, Jr. speaking at the Founder Institute. It is worth the time. Mike Maples was a co-founder of Motive, where I spent 5 very productive years. Talk of “thunder lizards” is nothing new. His ability to communicate… Continue Reading
Amazon Virtual Private Cloud Service Max Effgen, August 26, 2009 Amazon is introducing a new AWS service to extend to a virtual private cloud (VPC). Basically it offers the enterprise to extended an existing network via VPN to a logically isolated set of EC2 instances. From my experience selling cloud-based services, this will play well with the enterprise. Security is… Continue Reading
Amazon buys Zappos Max Effgen, July 23, 2009December 2, 2013 So the big news from yesterday is Amazon buying Zappos. Cash and stock and all that. Congrats to two of my favorite online retailers. The financials are one thing and will be debated. I believe that this will be a great deal for both companies. Also, the notion that Zappos… Continue Reading
Bantam vs Gist Max Effgen, July 10, 2009 Came across Bantam Live: The Ultimate Social, Real-Time CRM @ TechCrunch this morning and have been thinking on it all day. My take is that it offers watered down features of Gist with the workflow features of most CRM tools. Is Social CRM important to the enterprise? Depends. If the… Continue Reading
Cloud Office on Monday? Max Effgen, July 9, 2009 via TechCrunch: Why Chrome OS Now? Because Microsoft Office In The Cloud Comes Monday. I have played around with the limited functionality of Office Live. It is good, not great, and about what I would expect from a beta. I had some formatting issues with some documents. Nothing major. Hopefully… Continue Reading
Outlook is broken Max Effgen, June 24, 2009 The Email Standards Project has started a proverbial avalanche for Microsoft via Twitter. Check TechCrunch: Microsoft, Outlook Is Broken, Says 6,000 Tweets (And Growing). Fix It. Also check Microsoft to ignore web standards in Outlook 2010 – enough is enough at Email Standards Project. To get in include the… Continue Reading