The Future of Mobile Banking Max Effgen, March 13, 2011 I have been taking a look the the mobile banking space as it relates to CRM for financial institutions. Many major banks offer mobile solutions today and often cite mobile technology as their top innovation initiative. Expect the growth will continue alongside rising smartphone popularity, younger consumers’ spending, and comfort… Continue Reading
Great read on Mobile Payments Max Effgen, November 9, 2010 Great read on the future of mobile payments. I have been digging into this area lately and will have more on the subject soon. iSmashPhone:5 Reasons Mobile Payments Will Become the Norm Updated: November 28 Another good read on the space as competition heats up: WSJ Phone Firms Make Mobile-Payment… Continue Reading
Reading bar codes with mobile phones Max Effgen, August 23, 2009 Reading bar codes with mobile phones is very popular in Japan. It has yet to catch on in the rest of the world. Interesting read at the Economist on the topic. I have spent a decent chunk of time researching and prototyping QR Codes for use on mobile devices. When… Continue Reading
Your app is worth more than 99¢ Max Effgen, August 19, 2009 Microsoft to mobile developers: Your app is worth more than 99¢ The business model of 99 cent applications is not good for application developers. There are many other issues with the iPhone development. It is refreshing to see another vendor take it on. Competition is good. Check the above link… Continue Reading
Solid read on porting your iPhone App to Windows Mobile Max Effgen, August 1, 2009 With all the furor of the Google Voice iPhone app situation going on. I have had a few conversations about people wanting to port iPhone apps to other platforms mainly, Android and Windows Mobile. Going cross-carrier and platform seems to be the goal. Easier said than done especially depending on… Continue Reading
Amazon Killing Mobile Apps… Max Effgen, July 8, 2009 Most mobile applications are content based. Personally, I would like to see less content specific applications and more applications that solve existing problems (i.e. cross-platform, carrier) with mobile devices. Having researched the space, I understand why most developers choose to go with a content based application. Application development is not… Continue Reading
Solid read @ NYT: Apps are booming… Max Effgen, June 8, 2009 Solid read at the New York Times: Apps Are Booming as Companies Seek a Place on Your Phone. No surprise that apps are booming. This trend has been happening since the iPhone App Store was announced. A closed platform on one network with limited hardware versions gives the developer a… Continue Reading
Mobile Convergence Max Effgen, May 27, 2009 Interesting read over at Ars Technica: Canonical developers aim to make Android apps run on Ubuntu. As computers get smaller and phones become more functional, it seems to be a natural step to run the same applications on multiple devices. Interesting that this would start in the Linux domain given… Continue Reading