Finding recruiters and stalking them like a pro Max Effgen, December 10, 2009 Great post from Microsoft Staffing Manager and Employee Evangelist Heather Hamilton for those 4 of you looking for a job these days… One Louder: Finding recruiters and stalking them like a pro Continue Reading
WSJ: How Saatchi CEO Makes Hires Max Effgen, December 1, 2009 Not your typical interview. Cool ideas. Continue Reading
Why You Shouldn’t Hire A Perfect Job Candidate Max Effgen, October 27, 2009 Entertaining read by Guy Nadivi in Forbes. I would add to his empirical evidence with similar experiences lately. I have been hearing others talk about this same thing happening to them. Has it happened to you? Forbes: Why You Shouldn’t Hire A Perfect Job Candidate Continue Reading
Why hire me? Max Effgen, September 22, 2009 Solid read on the WSJ blogs on why you need to “ABC” “A, Always B, Be C, Closing” on you. Another great tidbit from over the weekend, “Do not focus on the role. Focus on you. If they are looking only for requirements on a job rec, you will be… Continue Reading
Perfect the Elevator Pitch Max Effgen, July 20, 2009 Some great advice for your next interview. Pitch yourself. Inevitably you will be shuffled from place to place and interview to interview. Why not craft your own elevator pitch? Check How to Perfect an Elevator Pitch About Yourself. I found this via LifeHacker Get Comfortable Bragging to Perfect Your Elevator… Continue Reading
Do you have any questions… Max Effgen, July 19, 2009 If a candidate is qualified, I tend to judge by the questions the interviewee asks. It shows the level of interest and a slice of the behavioral aspects of the individual’s work approach. People that ask no questions or questions about compensation before an offer never get the job. Check… Continue Reading
7 Great Interview Questions Max Effgen, July 13, 2009 A key to get the job is to ask great questions. Check this well written article: Seven Great Questions to Ask at a Job Interview. Have questions. Get answers. Continue Reading
50 Common Interview Questions Max Effgen, July 12, 2009 Older, but relevant post: 50 Common Interview Questions. The salary questions/answers are only half correct. Being prepared is the best luck. Continue Reading
Ace the Interview Max Effgen, July 7, 2009 Solid read at the Harvard Business Blog. Check Ace the Interview by David Silverman. Some sound advice when you land that interview. Glad to see that I am not the only one blogging about this topic. Readers are Leaders. Continue Reading
The new phone screen… Max Effgen, July 7, 2009 More than ever the phone screen is making deep dives into questions typically reserved for the interview. In reality there is really no difference between a phone screen and a sales call. Present yourself in lieu of a product and land the face-to-face. Here are some tips that help me… Continue Reading