How to Look Smarter than Your Lawyer and VC Max Effgen, June 1, 2011 Brad Feld and Jason Mendelson’s book Venture Financings: How to Look Smarter than Your Lawyer and VC is now available for pre-order on I am looking forward to it having taking a venture financing class as part of my MBA this year. The more you know about venture financing,… Continue Reading
Hitting home Max Effgen, April 21, 2011December 2, 2013 Brad Feld wrote a post yesterday that really hit home: Feld Thoughts: A Message to Graduating MBAs. My career has been conventional and unconventional with the goal of always remaining relevant. For a long time this was implementing CRM systems. First Siebel then Motive. I worked my tail off with… Continue Reading
Even monkeys fall from trees Max Effgen, February 15, 2011 Great post from Garr Reynolds on courage and determination. Check Presentation Zen: Before success comes the courage to fail Recently, I have been having similar conversations a lot. Brad Feld, my wife (who does not read my blog) and I were talking about marathon running. All three of us had… Continue Reading
Thanks Brad! Max Effgen, January 12, 2011January 12, 2022 Huge thank you to Brad Feld for accepting my invitation to come talk to UW. In spite of the snow, which ridiculously shuts the city down, approximately 80 people from MBAs, biotech PhD candidates, computer science graduate students, VCs, entrepreneurs and the local startups Impinj, BigDoor made their way to… Continue Reading