Coffee Max Effgen, March 20, 2009 When I first moved to Seattle, I could not tell the difference between an espresso and freeze dried Taster’s Choice. That changed in a hurry. I now have a strong regular habit. I even brought a Starbucks Barista® Espresso Machine into the office of a former employer to slow my espresso burn rate. The Barista® is a great machine and would recommend it. Note: the new version is called Saeco® Via Venezia Espresso Machine. From time to time, people ask for recommendations on coffee. Here are some of my favorites. Cafe Umbria Terra Sana Fair Trade Organic Great coffee from one of my favorite cafe’s in Pioneer Square. Trader Joe’s Kauai Coffee and Fair Trade Organic Guatemalan Great coffee without a huge price. Starbucks Ethiopia Sidamo The old standby. Can’t go wrong with it. Starbucks Guatemala Casi Cielo Newer addition to the Starbucks roster. Very good. Tully’s Italian Roast Tully’s uses Starbucks old facility and produces a more mild coffee. Preferred by some. This is a great option. Bad Ass Coffee of Hawaii Kona Peaberry If you are going to spend on Kona might as well make it Peaberry. Buy 6 and get a free pound. Expensive and excellent. Koa Coffee Plantation Kona Peaberry If there is a “more affordable” Kona, it is Koa Coffee Plantation. I love their 5 lb bag option! Happy Caffeinated Weekend. weekend/coffee bad asscafe umbriacoffeekoastarbucksthoughtstrader joe'stully's