Mother Nature does not care what logo is on the side of your tent. Max Effgen, June 14, 2009 First camp trip of the year was literally a wash. The wife and I are avid backpackers. We have tackled adventures in the Yukon, Alaska, Glacier NP and Patagonia. The addition of children has compromised our backcountry adventures a bit, but we still enjoy a car camp and light hikes with the kids. With a bigger crew, we recently bought a bigger tent. Our decision was made on size and price. The ALPS Mountaineering Meramac Tent fit the bill and was purchased from REI-Outlet. In the Pacific Northwest, if you camp you are going get wet. Especially early in the season. Heading over the Chinook Pass through Mt Rainier NP, we found the Little Naches campground in Wenatchee National Forest. Great campground. Clean and large camp areas. Plenty of space for multiple vehicles at each camp area as well. Basically good for families. The Naches area of Wenatchee National Forest is gorgeous. A different feel from the wet side of the pass. More pine trees than fir. The rivers were full of runoff and the lupine was beginning to flower. The weather, however, was bi-polar: Warm and sunny or heavy rain and thunderstorms. The latter are fairly rare in the PNW. The ALPS Mountaineering tent was incredible in the weather and would highly recommend it. Totally dry through not one, but two thunderstorms. Study too. Not a second thought to throw the kids in the tent and listen to the wind and rain. The count between lightening and thunder with the kids was priceless. ALPS Mountaineering is not a brand name by any means, but then, Mother Nature does not care what logo is on the side of your tent. weekend/coffee ALPScampMountaineeringREIWenatchee National Forest