WSJ: Twitter as trading tool Max Effgen, August 3, 2009 There has been a lot of talk about social CRM (sCRM) and Twitter. The implications for consumer based offerings is clear. In the enterprise, marketing has use cases. The WSJ has an interesting look at how traders are using Twitter. Money quote: “Analysts said the service seems well-suited for a… Continue Reading
Are You Celebrating SysAdmin Day? Max Effgen, August 1, 2009 WSJ: Are You Celebrating SysAdmin Day? Um, no. No celebration here. None what so ever. Continue Reading
WSJ: Techdom’s Two Cold Wars Max Effgen, July 21, 2009 Great read by Holman Jenkins, Jr. in the WSJ Opinion Page discussing the recent Google OS and Office Live announcements. Check Techdom’s Two Cold Wars at the WSJ. Continue Reading