Happy New Year! Max Effgen, January 2, 2011December 2, 2013 Happy New Year! May 2011 bring you happiness and success. I have done Polar Bear swims to bring in the new year for about 5 years. This year’s swim was in Puget Sound at Golden Gardens Park in Seattle. Water temperature 47, air temperature 35. It was invigorating. I always… Continue Reading
So long Bob Feller Max Effgen, December 20, 2010December 2, 2013 Bob Feller passed last week and so did a little of baseball history. Richard Goldstein’s NY Times article is the best write up on the pitching legend. In my youth, my father and I bonded over baseball like so many Americans. We had a different twist in that we also… Continue Reading
Worst Christmas Album Ever… Max Effgen, December 9, 2010 This turned out to be one of my top blog posts from last year and still is true. Before elaborating, I love the Beach Boys. They were a big part of my childhood summers and one of 3 cassette tapes that were allowed in my Mom’s yellow VW Bus. That… Continue Reading
Blue Angels Max Effgen, August 6, 2010 The Blue Angels are back in Seattle for Seafair. With a few days off, I took the kids down to see them. It was quite a thrill. Have a great Seafair and weekend! Continue Reading
It’s all about the “grind” Max Effgen, May 14, 2010 Nice read on espresso in the Atlantic. Better grind, better espresso. Been saying it for years. Check it out. Happy Weekend! The Atlantic: A Winning Formula for Traditional Espresso Continue Reading
The Dueling Fiddlers – Back in Black Max Effgen, April 25, 2010 Found this today and it worth the 3:05. Have a great weekend. Check: The Dueling Fiddlers Continue Reading
Life isn’t… Max Effgen, March 13, 2010 Weekend thought… “Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” ~George Bernard Shaw Continue Reading
Bonds or TDs, They’re Still a Gamble Max Effgen, February 6, 2010 Interesting weekend read at the Wall Street Journal on a bond-trading specialist from Cantor Fitzgerald that wants to treat casinos like the stock market. WSJ: Whether Bonds or Touchdowns, They’re Still a Gamble Continue Reading
Fisk blasts McGwire Max Effgen, January 21, 2010December 2, 2013 With the latest of the steroid revelations, I was glad to see Fisk blast McGwire, Clemens and other PED users. Fisk was a household name in my house even before he joined the White Sox (the parents are from Boston). PEDs are a real problem with the sport and will… Continue Reading
WSJ: Seeking Coffee’s Health Benefits Max Effgen, December 29, 2009 Nice read on recent findings on my favorite beverage. WSJ: Good News in the Daily Grind Continue Reading