Speednetworking Max Effgen, September 26, 2009 I attended the first speed networking event in Seattle this week and was pretty impressed. Take the speed dating concept and apply it to professionals. Before the event, I ranked my areas of interest, and they matched me up with 10 other professionals. Overall I was impressed. The people I… Continue Reading
Seattle Coffee Houses – Pioneer Square Max Effgen, August 25, 2009 I hope to make this a regular feature documenting 3 great coffee houses in each of the many neighborhoods of Seattle. If they are on the list, they are worth checking out. Zeitgeist, Cafe Umbria and All City Coffee are all in Pioneer Square. Great places for a meeting or… Continue Reading
Seattle Skyline Wallpaper 2 Max Effgen, August 22, 2009December 2, 2013 My original post from May is proving popular. So here is another view from Kerry Park in Seattle Seattle’s skyline from Kerry Park in the Queen Anne neighborhood is one of my favorite views of the city. This panoramic was recently taken on a cold, clear autumn morning with my… Continue Reading
Solid read on Bootstrapping Max Effgen, June 23, 2009 Check TechFlash Guest post: Bootstrapping and the infinite runway by Hillel Cooperman. Solid read. Since the “at bats” phase is used, I like to think of Babe Ruth. He led the American League in strikeouts 5 times in 1918, 1923, 1924, 1927 and 1928. In 1927 hit 60 home runs,… Continue Reading
Highlights from Cloudforce Seattle Max Effgen, June 22, 2009 Finally getting back to Cloudforce Seattle and the tons of info learned last week. The message was clearly that Salesforce.com is not just applications. Cloudforce Seattle was all about the platform moving to the cloud. I have a notion that there will be several “clouds” in the future. Clearly, Salesforce.com… Continue Reading
Best explanation for social media CRM to date Max Effgen, June 19, 2009 At Cloudforce Seattle yesterday, Salesforce.com gave the best explanation of why you need to monitor social media for CRM, especially in Support/Services. Your customers have already moved there. Do they go to Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn first to find answers? If so, how do you monitor and answer those questions?… Continue Reading
Cloudforce Seattle Max Effgen, June 18, 2009 Attended Cloudforce Seattle today. Tons of great information and still processing it all. Usual Microsoft jabs by Marc Benioff, but nothing you likely have not muttered yourself. Lots of love for Starbucks and Amazon AWS from the Salesforce CEO. Some highlights: Visual Force, Model–view–controller (MVC) framework for custom user interfaces… Continue Reading
Starbucks recalling 530,000 coffee grinders Max Effgen, June 17, 2009 I caught wind of this story last night: Starbucks recalling 530,000 coffee grinders. I cannot imagine cleaning a device with spinning metal blades without unplugging it. There seems to be more to this story on the grinder recall. I do strongly recommend grinding coffee at home. Freshly ground beans just… Continue Reading
Cloudy in Seattle Max Effgen, June 10, 2009 Very interesting presentations on cloud computing at Seattle Tech Startups tonight. Jeff Lawson of Twilio gave an en depth presentation on how his company is levering AWS, Rackspace and other providers to bring telephony into the cloud. I was very impressed with their architecture. Honestly, it is better and more… Continue Reading
Some photo fun Max Effgen, June 6, 2009December 2, 2013 Was playing around with some of the Flickr photo tools recently at Big Huge Labs. My personal favorite is the “Motivator” that allows you to create Successories-style posters. I have never been much of fan of that genre and my humor leans towards sarcasm. The Sumatran tiger at Woodland Park… Continue Reading