Interesting Read: Ray Ozzie on Cloud Strategy Max Effgen, May 4, 2009 Xconomy Seattle has an interesting read on the Cloud strategy from Ray Ozzie. The money quote: Ozzie: Technology builds on top [of what was there before], and then markets flip. You have to do pattern matching with technology trends, what’s going on with the social environment, and how people use… Continue Reading
Customer Service? Ask a Volunteer Max Effgen, April 26, 2009 Interesting read on customer service. Unboxed – Verizon’s Experiment in Volunteer Customer Service – Continue Reading
Transaction to Trust Max Effgen, April 23, 2009 Transaction to Trust: The New Era of Customer Service by John Yaggie. Nice quick read that illustrates the “Show the Love” philosophy for customer relationship building and care. Continue Reading
Why McKinsey’s Cloud Report Missed the Mark Max Effgen, April 22, 2009December 2, 2013 Why McKinsey’s Cloud Report Missed the Mark by Joe Weinman at GigaOM is another good read on the now infamous McKinsey Cloud Report. See earlier post if this is news. Continue Reading
Connecting with Customers… Max Effgen, April 21, 2009 Suzanne Watson, Procter & Gamble’s marketing manager for the Tide brand, says her goal is to balance fundamentals and innovation. This is not your typical read on CRM. It does hit several important points. Most importantly: How do you connect to your customers? The answer is different for just about… Continue Reading
Many Hands, Light Work Max Effgen, April 17, 2009 This recent article in Forbes, Eclipse: Many Hands, Light Work by Lee Gomes, argues that competitive advantage is not in the code, but in the data. I find myself often agreeing with Gomes and enjoy his writting. Unfortunately this time, Gomes misses the point. Competitive advantage is in the process… Continue Reading
Online reads: Michael Lewis Max Effgen, March 25, 2009 Michael Lewis is the fantastic author or Liar’s Poker and Moneyball. His books transcend the subject and offer lessons in innovation, management and leadership. Here are two online reads of his that I have recently enjoyed: Coach Leach Goes Deep, Very Deep and The No-Stats All-Star Continue Reading
A Berkeley View of Cloud Computing Max Effgen, March 18, 2009 Above the Clouds Worth reading this engrossing whitepaper from the UC Berkeley Reliable Adaptive Distributed Systems Laboratory on Cloud Computing. Continue Reading
“Mojo” Reads Max Effgen, March 17, 2009 I have had a lot of conversations with very talented people that seem lost in this new economic reality. Understandably many are upset about their respective employment situations; however, as a whole they seem to be forgetting what has made them great. Here are some recommended reads for some positive… Continue Reading
Recent Reads Max Effgen, March 5, 2009 Three recent business books that I have read, enjoyed and recommend. The Big Switch: Rewiring the World, from Edison to Google by Nicholas Carr Summary: Carr argues that computing, no longer personal, is going the way of a power utility. Why I liked it: The historical perspective matches the current… Continue Reading